Sjuul / / Junior Eventmanager B2C Het Sieraad
The most important ingredient of Daalder Culinary? Our people. So we let them do the talking. In this case: we let them tell you about what makes their job the best there is. Meet Sjuul, Junior Event Manager B2C of Het Sieraad.
Hey Sjuul! So, tell us… What is your role here?
I’m the Junior Event Manager for the B2C. So for the parties at weekends. First, I did an internship at Daalder Culinair, but I’ve been working in this new role since June 2022.
What makes this job fun?
It is very versatile. One day it’s Blues Day Night, and I’m working late. The next day I’m in the office, planning an event. And at the weekends, I work night shifts during our parties. I do part of the prep for events and manage the events during the night.
Sounds like a tough job!
Yes, sometimes it can be pretty tough. But for the most part, it’s so much fun! Sometimes when I just finished a 17-hour workday, I find myself thinking exhaustedly: ‘What am I doing this for?’ But then the next day, I’m off work, and all I can think about is… work. Then I’m bored because I want to keep going. It’s so much fun what we do here! And it’s always a laugh with my colleagues. I love the variation of what we do. You get to know many people in the event industry fast when doing what I do. And that industry has always intrigued me.
What attracts you in this field of work?
I just love to go out and party—especially techno parties. Here, I’m at a party every week! (laughs) I look at events with different eyes now when I go out myself. I pay much more attention to how everything is arranged. Are there long queues? Are the toilets clean? Where did they place the bars? I often catch myself thinking: ‘Things would be much better organised at our place.’

What’s the most incredible party you’ve hosted here so far?
The Cuckoo’s Nest with ADE. That was the first time I experienced how things work in the event industry. And it was one of the first parties after Corona. Everyone had missed it so much.
Can you describe that night?
I remember we were exhausted! (laughs) It wasn’t clear whether the event could happen until the very last minute. So, we had most work to do in the nick of time. The evening went by so fast. We did many things differently than we would do now. Some decisions just didn’t make sense in the end: where we placed the entrance, for example. I learnt so much that night about what works and what doesn’t. Fortunately, here you get the space to learn things by doing.
Yes, what does the night of an Event Manager look like?
I usually come in around 7 or 8 o’clock. It depends on how much we managed to get done the day before. I run through everything to make sure it’s all ready and set to go. I check the pin machines, and bars etc. An hour before show time, everything must be set. And then the event kicks off. During the night, I’m constantly walking from one place to another to make sure everything is going smoothly. I keep an eye out for the tiniest little details. For instance, when a cable is in the wrong place and hindering the guest, I straighten it out immediately so nobody trips and falls. But I am also the point of contact for all parties involved in the event if something goes wrong. I make sure the whole evening goes perfectly.
What would you still like to achieve within your role?
I would really like to scale up with our own productions on Friday and Saturday. I would love it if Het Sieraad is known for the parties made in-house by our team. And we’re working to achieve that goal. I utterly hope we turn those plans into a great success.
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